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  2. Getting Rewarded

Can I get rewarded for turning off appliances manually?

Yes, you can get rewarded for turning appliances off manually (at the plug socket) during equivents.

Connect your smart meter


If you have a compatible smart meter, the easiest way to get rewarded for switching off appliances is to connect your smart meter to your equiwatt account.

Once you connected your smart meter to your equiwatt account, you can earn points for manually switching off appliances in your home during equivents.

You can find out more about how to take part in equivents via your smart meter here.

PLEASE NOTE: You can find out how to connect your smart meter here.

Enter our monthly prize draw

If you don’t currently have a smart meter at home, you can still get rewarded for taking part in equivents manually by entering our monthly Prize Draw.

Most appliances qualify for entry into our monthly Prize Draw when turned off manually but for appliances that have operating cycles (such as washing machines, dishwashers etc.), they only qualify if turned off mid-cycle when an equivent starts.

That doesn't mean we're encouraging you to stop every appliance or sit in the dark for an hour!

Instead, you get the chance to boost your equivent points, as there are 2,000 points (worth £20) to be won each month via the prize draw, and you get to do that extra bit more to improve your energy saving without any inconvenience to you or your family.

By participating in equivents manually, you’ll learn more about your energy consumption, the power usage of different appliances, and how to be smarter with your energy. There are easy ways to reduce energy usage without affecting your lifestyle whilst reducing CO2 emissions and earning benefits from it!

You can also take part in events manually as well as automatically with a smart device. 

PLEASE NOTE: Click here to find out how to set up your appliances for manual participation in equivents the first time.

Ideas for participating in equivents manually:

Switch off high-energy usage appliances at the plug socket or switch e.g.
  • Manually switch off your fridge/freezer (this only applies if your smart plug is not connected already to this appliance).
  • Pause your washing machine if it is in mid-cycle 
  • Turn off the lights in rooms that are not being used.

Switch off and/or unplug chargers and other electronics not being used e.g.

  • Televisions
  • Computers
  • Stereo equipment
  • Phone chargers
If your electric heater is on, set it to a lower temperature or turn it off during equivents