Why are my Kasa smart devices not showing in the equiwatt app?

If your Kasa devices are not visible in the app, it may be that they are not compatible or you need to reconnect your Kasa account.

Make sure that your Kasa devices are compatible

At the moment we are only able to support the TP-Link Kasa HS110 and KP115 energy-monitoring smart plugs.

If you have any other model of Kasa smart plugs then these will not appear in the equiwatt app when you connect your Kasa account to equiwatt.

Try removing your Kasa account and reconnecting it

If you have previously connected your Kasa account to equiwatt and your devices are not showing, the first thing to try is disconnecting your Kasa account and reconnecting it again.

To do this:

1) Select the Kasa widget from the 'Home' tab of the equiwatt app

Updated UIs - Home Screen Car Charging Plug Connected No equivent

2) Select 'Remove Kasa account' at the bottom of the screen

Kasa plug - view command history3) Select the red button to confirm the removal of your Kasa account from the equiwatt app.


4) Reconnect your Kasa account to equiwatt to see if this resolves your issue.

Click here for instructions on how to connect your Kasa account to the equiwatt app.