I opted out of an event by accident can I still opt in?

Yes. If you accidentally opted out of an event or changed your mind and want to participate, follow the steps below to opt in and take part.

If you opted out of an upcoming powerDOWN event by accident or changed your mind and decide that you do want to take part after all, you can easily opt-in.

PLEASE NOTE: You can only change your opt-in status up to 15 minutes before the event begins. 

1) Open the home screen of the app and select the 'Tap to view opt-in details' button

Updated UIs - Home Screen - Opted Out of Upcoming Event

2) Select the 'Update opt-in preferences' button on the next screen.

Updated UIs - Opted Out Confirmation3) Confirm your participation in the upcoming event by selecting the 'I confirm my participation button'.

Updated UIs - Opt in Pop Up4) A pop-up message will appear to confirm you are opted into the upcoming event.

Updated UIs - Successfully opted in Confirmation5) The home screen of the app, will now confirm that you are opted into the next event.

Updated UIs - Home Screen - Opted into Upcoming Event