How do I delete my account?

Please follow the below steps if you wish to delete your equiwatt account.

If you no longer wish to keep your equiwatt account, please follow the below steps to request account deletion.

PLEASE NOTE: Once you have requested account deletion, any pending gift redeems will be cancelled and any points remaining in your account will be deleted. If you wish to cancel your account deletion request, please contact us directly at

1) Open the equiwatt app and open the profile tab (Person icon) by selecting the icon in the bottom right-hand corner of the screen.

EQ App Refresh - Home page - Pending points2) On the profile tab select the settings icon (Cog icon)

EQ App Refresh - Profile page3) Once in the settings screen, select 'Delete Account' and follow the onscreen instructions.

EQ App Refresh - Settings page4) You will be logged out of the app and your account and all associated data will now be deleted from our system after 14 days.

If you wish to cancel your account deletion request, you will need to contact us before 14 days have passed otherwise we will be unable to recover your account once it has been deleted from our system.


Upon a user's request for deletion, all personally identifiable information is purged from our system after a designated grace period. However, certain non-identifiable data such as session meta information and anonymized error logs are retained for system optimization and debugging purposes. Documents uploaded for smart meter verifications are securely stored for up to 4 years in compliance with our energy data service provider's auditing requirements. After this period, they are securely deleted from our servers.