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  2. Electric Vehicles

Connecting your electric vehicle to equiwatt for the first time.

Follow this guide to add your electric vehicle (EV) to your equiwatt account to earn rewards for shifting energy and saving CO2.

Step 1: Add your electric vehicle

  • Open the 'Manage' tab (toggle icon) and select 'Add Electric Vehicle' under the integrations section of the page.

EQ App - Manage Tab - SM Connected

PLEASE NOTE: If you are a Tesla owner you will need to set up a third-party virtual key and ensure that equiwatt works seamlessly with your EV. Please follow this link to find guidance on this process.

Step 2: Brand Selection

  • Select your Electric Vehicle brand


Step 3: Introduction

  • The introduction view is the first view you will see after you have redirected them from the equiwatt app. It acts as a handshake between equiwatt and Smartcar.
  • The screen below will present you with an overview of what to expect in the upcoming EV onboarding flow.


Step 4: Permission Instruction

  • You will be presented with a quick overview of how data and controls will be accessed and shared between your EV and equiwatt/Smartcar.


Step 5: Sign-in 

  • To connect their devices, you will need to sign in to your account for their specified device brand.


Step 6: Data and Control consent 

  • On this screen you will be given a list of all data and controls Smartcar will be accessing. Once you have gone through the list, click allow to permit Smartcar to access the listed data and controls. 


Step 7: Smartcar integrating your EV with equiwatt

  • At this stage of the EV onboarding, once you have allowed data access to Smartcar it will initiate the process of integrating your EV with our equiwatt app.


Step 8: Your EV is all set to participate in equivents

  • As you can see from the screen below, your EV is integrated completely with our equiwatt app.
  • Click the equivents toggle to let your EV to participate to allow your EV to participate in the equivents.

PLEASE NOTE: If you have any issues getting your electric vehicle connected. Please send us an email at hello@equiwatt.com and we will assist you.

TIP: For Tesla EV owners: Please follow the procedure in this link